Happy Holidays!
Well, my friends, the festive gig season has rushed through in its usual heady fashion and we're galloping towards Christmas itself. I hope your various concerts, carol-singing jaunts and other seasonal performances have been going well, and that you are all set for the big day itself. I've often thought that 'holiday season' is a bit of a misnomer for musicians - but then again, if we weren't out singing, what would we do with ourselves?
(Actually, that's easy to answer: shopping and eating seem to be the most popular activities. And maybe a little light familial bickering.)
Anyway, Helping You Harmonise is taking a week off now, so the next blog post will happen along next Friday. I'm sure you've got plenty to do in the meantime without your regular dose, but in case you get some withdrawal symptoms, have a browse of some of the posts that have proved most popular during 2012:
How to Prevent Your Choir from Singing Well
Resonance, Legato and Support
What Stand-Up Comedy can Teach Us About Musical Structure
The Communicator and the Manager
Charisma and Confidence
When Charisma Turns to Tyranny
And some from past years that are still amongst my most-visited:
A Key Question…
Was Beethoven any Good at Choral Music?
Arranging non-barbershop music for barbershoppers
Concrete Metaphors for Christmas Rehearsing
Best wishes to you and your loved ones.
See you next week!
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